Keynote Speakers

ATTENTION: Full Schedule is yet to be determined, please stay tuned for further updates.

Farm Credit Services of America Main Stage

Matt Waite | 9 - 9:45AM

‘The Human is Still the Most Important Part’

Pulitzer Prize Winner | Professor of Practice in Journalism , UNL

AI hype is everywhere, and so are the doomers. So where are we? Is AI the new oil? Electricity? Fire? The end of white-collar work? Coming for all of our jobs? The answer is all of this, and none of it. Let’s get practical and talk about where AI is and isn’t, especially when accuracy and authenticity are critical business functions.

Main Stage Panels

Omaha Business Leaders | 10 - 10:45AM

Conscious Code - Ethics in AI Panel | 1:15 - 2PM

Dr. Deepak Khazanchi , UNO School of IS&T

Alex West, Deloitte

Matt Waite, UNL

Jack D. Horgan, Koley Jessen

Stephen Ivaskevicius, Mutual of Omaha

Moderated by: Boaz Ashkenazy, AugmentedAI

Breakout Topics

ATTENTION: Full Schedule is yet to be determined, please stay tuned for further updates.

Demystifying AI

TBD | 11 - 11:45 AM


TBD | 2:15 - 3:00 PM


TBD | 3:15 - 4:00 PM


AI & Business Applications

TBD| 11 - 11:45 AM


Sudhir Gajre| 2:15 - 3:00 PM
'The Magic of The Pre-Trained Transformer'

Managing Director of GenAI, Lovelytics

Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPT), which underpin advanced GenAI technologies such as ChatGPT, are predominantly recognized for their 'Generative' functions. The current industry landscape emphasizes generative applications like chatbots and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems for tasks such as question-answering and summarization. However, this focus often neglects the significant potential of the 'pre-trained' transformer component, which is essential for numerous high-value applications that are currently under explored.

This session will examine the 'pre-trained' aspects of transformers and their application in various contexts. I will present a structured methodology for identifying and leveraging these use cases, categorize the types of applications that benefit from pre-trained models, and provide a practical demonstration to illustrate these principles.

Boaz Ashkenazy | 3:15 - 4:00 PM
'The Strategic Role of GenAI For Business'

Co-founder & CEO, AugmentedAI